Urine My Garden - Why & How to Peecycle at Home

Past event
Feb 16, 2023, 6:30 to 7:15 PM

Join us Thursday, February 16th at 6:30pm via Zoom to learn more about peecycling!

The Upper Missisquoi and Trout Rivers (UMATR) Wild & Scenic Committee is excited to announce the second installment of our 2023 Seminar Series: "Urine My Garden: Why & How to Peecycle at Home", presented by Julia Cavicchi of Rich Earth Institute. This webinar covers why & how to fertilize your garden with urine.

Reclaiming urine as a fertilizer is a safe and simple practice that gardeners everywhere can learn to reclaim "waste" as a resource, access an abundance of free fertilizer, and prevent downstream pollution. The presentation covers step-by-step instructions for fertilizing with urine in home gardens, informed by Rich Earth's agricultural and social research. Julia will give a brief presentation and then have time for discussion for you to share your experiences and questions. Lake Champlain Basin residents can order a free peecycling kit for urine collection after the workshop!

Visit our website at www.umatrwildandscenic.org/online-seminar-series and register to be sent the zoom link, and to learn more about our speaker series.

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