Barre Town Recreation Board Meeting

Past event
Feb 6, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

The Barre Town Recreation Board will host a public meeting this evening at 6:00pm in Conference Room #3 of the Municipal Building at 149 Websterville Road. The Recreation Board meets the first Monday of each month, except when it falls on a holiday or there is no quorum. Tonight's Agenda:

1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
2. Consider Approving Agenda
3. Consider Approving January 9th Meeting Minutes
4. Receive Guests
a. Public Input (for non-agenda items)
5. Consider Facility Use Requests
a. St. Monica – St. Michael
b. Barre Lions Club
6. Discuss Capital Projects
a. Fencing at ball fields and playgrounds
b. Baseball field Lighting Project
c. Travis Mercy Skatepark
7. Other Business
a. Review Field Use Fees
b. Update on Egg Hunt and movie nights with Barre City
8. 'Round the Table
a. Stacey: Dabble Day Report
9. Adjourn

There is an option to attend in person, remote, or by teleconference: +1 802-505-6632,,672728919# United States, Brattleboro
Phone Conference ID: 672 728 919#

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