February 6 City Council Meeting

Past event
Feb 6, 2023, 5:30 to 10 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This coming Monday, you are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person at Contois Auditorium OR Remotely via ZOOM (link above).

You can also join us via Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLljLFn4BZd2PwCge7lNoKug676jIf_iUA

You can sign up for public forum via this link: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/citycouncil/publicforum or in person by completing a sign-up form inside Contois.

We will begin our meeting at 5:30pm with two expected executive sessions, the first on pending litigation and the second on a personnel and contractual matter.

We have two key items on our deliberative agenda:

• We will have the first reading and referral to the Council's Ordinance Committee of THE SOUTH END INNOVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY.

This zoning amendment is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of a core area of the South End's Enterprise-Light Manufacturing (E-LM) district. The vision is based in planBTV: South End and calls for transforming the area's surface parking lots and contaminated and underutilized sites into an accessible, mixed-use hub of economic activity that draws on both the South End's legacy of manufacturing and arts as well as its burgeoning office and innovation sector. The amendment also permits the creation of new homes which are greatly needed in our city.


This resolution relates to Ballot item 7 on the creation of a Police Community Control Board. This ballot item that would create an independent department of the City, with the power to investigate and a Community Control Board with the power to "review and make findings on any incident or complaint against a police officer," and discipline or remove the officer when they are "found to have become incompetent, inefficient or incapable from any cause, is or has been negligent or derelict in their official duty, is guilty of any misconduct in their private or official life, or for any other just cause".

This ballot item, which came directly to the ballot by way of a petition with no input from the Council or any formal broad community input (other than signatures), is a Charter change and it is binding. This is not an advisory question.

I am cosponsoring this resolution because this ballot item is highly problematic in terms of its broad scope, its lack of due process, those who will serve on the board are only required to live in Burlington initially but there is no requirement they must remain a resident with no process of removal and several other challenging aspects of this untested approach to oversight and accountability. Additionally, the ballot item would allow for the creation of a staffed investigatory office. The Board would be independent and be accountable to no other entity.

I do support accountability and oversight. Our current system is flawed in my opinion in that sole discretion rests with one person. While I appreciate the spirit and work of the petitioners, I do not believe this ballot question is the answer to building community trust which is one of the reasons for this Board and Office. I think we can do better and have a thoughtful inclusive approach that can be broadly supported. This resolution sets up that process.

I will have more to say on this ballot item, along with a preview of all 8 ballot questions on the Town Meeting Day ballot, in my blue newsletter which will come to you just as your ballot arrives in the mail.

I encourage you to review these agenda items at: http://www.boarddocs.com/vt/burlingtonvt/Board.nsf/Public

As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input.

Wishing you a safe weekend - please stay warm!

My best,

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