A Town of Inclusion or Exclusion? - The Select Board Will Decide.
On February 6, the Shaftsbury Select Board will consider officially endorsing the enclosed "DECLARATION OF INCLUSION," and order that it be included in the town's website, employee manuals, newsletters, and economic development marketing materials.
Shaftsbury needs our help to get it approved. Because, if defeated, it becomes a de facto Town "declaration of exclusion." We're seeing unprecedented threats to our community: white supremacists in Bennington; federal investigation of UVM antisemitism; and an ultra-right wing militia camp in Pawlet. This is not normal. But, we can do something about it.
There is an organized movement to get all 246 Vermont towns to formally confront the unprecedented mindset we are seeing. Already, 89 Towns have adopted a formal "DECLARATION OF INCLUSION," (see below) whose purpose is to publicly and officially condemn racism and welcome all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or socioeconomic status, into the community. (see https://vtdeclarationofinclusion.org/municipalities-and-other-organizations-that-have-adopte[...]on/ )
Various local townships have already adopted this resolution including Bennington, Manchester, Dorset, Pownal and Pawlet.
This isn't just a "feel good" effort, of empty words. The Pandemic has made people think about moving to places like Vermont. Many are young, diverse, capable people who could bring jobs and new skills to our community, for a more vibrant economy. But, first, they need to know that they will be welcomed. And this "Declaration of Inclusion" is another tool to emphasize that they would be welcomed in Shaftsbury.
So please read the enclosed Declaration. And if you agree, email our Select Board members, about your support.
You need only say: We support passage of the "Declaration of Inclusion," to formally condemn discrimination in all of its forms, and commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community.
Select Board Members:
Art Whitman selectmanart@yahoo.com
Joe Barber barberjoe1027@gmail.com
Martha Cornwell cornwell.martha@gmail.com
Tony Krulikowski tonyk0307@gmail.com
Mike Cichanowski mcichanowski@shaftsburyvt.gov
Declaration of Inclusion follows:
Declaration of Inclusion
Town of Shaftsbury, Vermont
The Town of Shaftsbury condemns racism and welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or socioeconomic status, and wants everyone to feel safe and welcome in our community.
As a town, we formally condemn all discrimination in all of its forms, commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community, and will strive to ensure all of our actions, policies, and operating procedures reflect this commitment.
The Town of Shaftsbury has and will continue to be a place where individuals can live freely and express their opinions.
By the Shaftsbury Selectboard on February 6, 2023
Thanks very much for your consideration of this.