The North Bennington Winterfest is POSTPONED because of frigid weather BUT join us for a VERY WINTERY DAY CELEBRATION in North Bennington this Saturday, Feb 4th.
Powers, Pangaea, Prospect St. Coffee, The McCullough Library, and Left Bank all have warm, wonderful surprises waiting for you:
Powers Market- 12PM - music and lunch specials
McCullough Library - 10-2 bake sale; 11-2 craft workshops
Left Bank: 9AM free yoga class; 11-2 Free chair massage and paraffin dips; 1PM Art exhibit
plus food and craft vendors
Kevin's Pub - 12 Chicken BBQ
Pangaea - lunch specials, street food, hot drink specials, outside beer garden
Prospect St. Coffee - 8AM - 4PM regular menus & Winterfest Drinks specials; 1-3 Live music with Jeff McRae Jazz
The Lake Paran Plunge and Scavenger Hunt along with other WinteFest activities will be reschedule for late February or early March; stay tuned for details.