For those interested in permaculture, a group has formed in collaboration with the Sustainable Valley Group's Green Island Project. The Green Island Permaculture meetings are lead by Daniel Hartigan, Environmental Engineer and Permaculturalist. For more information contact Daniel at The next meeting is 5:30pm on Monday July 14th at 30 Island St., Bellows Falls VT, (across from the old train station). Daniel's latest info/news from the June meeting:
The last Green Island Permaculture meeting was a delightful time. We shared some plants, looked at the soil and the slope of the target garden area. We discussed some items from chapter 2 of the Permaculture Designers Manual by Bill Mollison, Concepts and Themes in Design.
We also went on a walk back through time along the railroad tracks, thanks To Gary, and got some interesting history about the green island. Lindsay brought a fascinating history of the Abenaki people who lived here before European settlement, and the construction of the bridge. We looked at the petroglyphs in the rocks by the River. This area must have been stunning before the bridges and buildings were built.
The next meeting for Green Island Permaculture will be on Monday July 14th at 30 Island St., Bellows Falls VT, (across from the old train station).
The meeting will start At 5:30pm with 30 minutes of plant swapping, pot lucking, and possible music playing. At 6:00pm we will introduce ourselves and talk about permaculture and participate in the design process. I will bring some topics to discuss from Chapter 3 of the Permaculture Designers Manual, Methods of Design.
The meeting will conclude no later than 8:30pm. I hope to bring a copy of a simple base map of the green island permaculture garden site for every one to draw up ideas on.
Please help me get the word out to others who may be interested. If you have any plants to swap or something we can plant at 30 Island St., bring em so we can all learn about new plants, especially edible perennials.
Feb 28, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Library Open House and Dinoman!Mar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 4 PM
VWA Woodland Social with Best Wood SawmillMar 1, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM