The Community Forest Management Plan Committee will be hosting its Seventh meeting this coming Monday, January 30th, at 6:30pm. All meetings of the CFMP Committee are open to the public with an option to attend in person or remote. Meetings are held in Conference room #3 at the Municipal Building. The Meeting Agenda is as follows:
1. Call meeting to order: 6:30pm
2. Consider Approving Agenda
3. Consider Approving January 23, 2023 Meeting Minutes
4. Receive Public Input 6:35pm
5. Guest: Andrea Shortsleeve 6:45pm
a. Andrea is Professor of Communities of Practice, a 3-credit Environmental Studies course at UVM that places students in non-paid internships with various community organizations.
b. Andrea will share information on how Student(s) may assist the Committee and gain educational hands on experience in the process.
6. Scheduling, Pace of Meetings, Subcommittees 6:55pm
a. The Committee will review and assess how to move forward both effectively and efficiently by addressing their schedule of meetings, the pace of progress at meetings, and how subcommittee(s) may help with that.
7. Continue Review of Community Forest Management Plan 7:15pm
a. Committee will pick up their review on the top of page 11, Subsection 2c) of Section I. Purposes.
b. Edits made to the CFMP can be found attached to the Meeting Minutes posted on the Town of Barre Website under the Forest Committee page.
8. 'Round the Table 7:55pm
9. Adjourn 8:00pm
This meeting will offer a video conference option to attend remotely. To attend remotely use the Microsoft Teams Application, Meeting Code: 251 427 201 298 Passcode: SAms8K (case sensitive).
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