Lincoln Development Review Board Regular Meeting

Past event
Feb 1, 2023, 6:30 PM

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM
To be held at the Lincoln Town Office and remotely via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 878 1910 1648
Passcode: 400763
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Please Note: It is recommended that if you plan to have business with the Board at this hearing you should arrive prior to the meeting being called to order if the timing of the hearing is adjusted during the meeting.

1 Call to order
A (*) Establish quorum is present.
B (*) Agenda adjustments and approval.
C (***) Clarify current officer positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, Clerk), and vacancies to be filled.

2 (***) Public Comment – [Opportunity to briefly (5 min. max.) present issues, ideas, and concerns on current issues, events and topics not found elsewhere on this agenda. Some issues may require more agenda time scheduled for a later meeting date]
[If time allows public comment on agenda items MAY be heard if present issues, ideas allowed by the chair or by unanimous assent of the board members present.]

3 (**) Continuation of the Public Hearing for Conditional Use Application #22-095 as requested by VHB on behalf of Kyle and Katie Clark for a Personal Landing Area, Parcel I.D. #17070163.100 at 432 Orchard Road North, Lincoln VT.
A Acknowledge materials received since 1.4.2023.
B Status update from applicant and appellant(s).

4 (**) Continuation of the Public Hearing for Waiver Application #22-093 as requested by Eric Hartman of Harvestar, LLC on behalf of Kerry Malloy for a timber mounted solar frame, Parcel I.D. #01070340.000 at 876 East River Road, Lincoln, VT.
A Acknowledge materials received since 1.4.2023.
B Status update from applicant and appellant(s).

5 (**) Commence the Public Hearing for Minor Subdivision Application #22-085 as requested by David Nault, Parcel I.D. #24070213.400 at 391 Murray Road, Lincoln, VT.

6 Old Business
A Past Meeting minutes adjustments and approval.
1 (*) 1.25.2023
B Other items as needed.

7 New Business
A Future Agenda items.
1 (**) Review items to be discussed at the next meeting.
B Other items as needed.

8 (*) Adjournment

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Lincoln Town Office and remotely via Zoom

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