This Saturday: Imbolc & the Energy of Brighid

Past event
Jan 28, 2023, 12 PM

During the ancient Irish agricultural year, finding a balance between the dark times of winter and the bright warmth of summer was a community effort. The primary markers of passing time were celebrated and became the focus of everyone's attention.

As we now approach Imbolc time (pronounced IHM-moulk), we can use the opportunity to celebrate the approaching thaw and the awakening movement of water energy within the earth... nourishing seeds and encouraging new life. Since ancient times this transformative, coursing warm energy was called Brighid. She was evoked particularly at springs and shorelines and ruled the household hearth.

Join Michael Cerulli Billingsly for the first in a series of discussions, Imbolc & the Energy of Brighid: Moving with the Water, this Saturday, January 28th, from Noon to 1:00 PM at the Cutler. We will explore the signs and activities associated with Brighid before the advent of Christianity, design personal appreciative rituals for Imbolc, and explore how we can give thanks for the transformations associated with the feminine energy of Brighid.

Michael Cerulli Billingsley of Plainfield was introduced as a child to the energies in nature and how to acknowledge them by his Irish-born grandmother. His lifelong connection to the old beliefs of SW Ireland led to eleven research trips there with volunteers. They did field research and met with Irish historians, archaeologists, and folklorists to better understand the ancient pre-Celtic roots in Ireland's Munster countryside.

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