Running for Local Offices

Past event
Jan 30, 2023

Hello Bakersfield Voters,

This is your reminder that if you are not satisfied with the decisions being made on your behalf by the current members of the Selectboard and our Town's representatives on the unified school district board, NOW is the time to get signatures on your election petition. Candidates who submit petitions will have their names listed on the Town Meeting Warning and/or on the written ballot. Petitions are due at the Town Clerk's office by Monday, January 30. The Town Clerk's office in Bakeersfield is open until noon.

Local offices are listed as "non-partisan"; any affiliation with a political party is irrelevant in campaigning for or participating on the Selectboard or the unified school district board.

Here's the information you need:

CRUCIAL: "Towns that elect officers by Australian ballot require candidates to submit a nominating petition signed by 30 voters or one percent of the checklist—whichever is less. The petition must clearly indicate the office and term length on the petition prior to circulating it for signatures, and the candidate's name must appear on the petition exactly as it appears on the voter checklist (17 V.S.A. §2681(b), 2681(a)(3)). The nominating petition, accompanied by a consent of candidate form, must be filed with the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election. Nominating petitions may contain the name of only one candidate."

Nominating petition forms and candidate consent forms are available for download here:

According to the 2020 census, there were 1467 residents in Bakersfield. Obviously, the number of eligible voters is smaller (75.8% = 1112); 1% of that is just over 11 signatures. To be certain everyone who signs is eligible and registered to vote in Bakersfield, first ask them, then give yourself a safety margin (20 might be enough, use your own judgment).

Check with Town Clerk Kathy Westcom before noon Monday through Thursday, if you have any questions.

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