The Jewish Community of Greater Stowe invites the public to convene for the United Nations-designated International Holocaust Remembrance Day to honor and remember Holocaust survivor Erika Hecht as well as the other survivors and victims of the Holocaust, both Jewish and non-Jewish.
Copies of Erika Hecht's haunting, moving memoir are available for free to participants, as well as during JCOGS office hours (M, W, Th 10-3, F 12-5) and during upcoming events and services.
This Holocaust commemoration will include opening remarks by Rabbi David Fainsilber and Debora Steinerman, president of Vermont Holocaust Memorial, followed by a program in which Erika's daughter, Marion Hecht, will highlight readings and discuss excerpts from Erika's recently published memoir. A light reception, including viewing of Vermont Holocaust Memorial's traveling Holocaust exhibit, will follow.
The program is sponsored in cooperation with the Hecht family, Vermont Holocaust Memorial, and East End Press.