Let's Work with Neurodiversity!

Past event
Feb 2, 2023, 4 to 6 PM

Join us for Let's Work with Neurodiversity!

At least 1 in every 5 people is neurodiverse. Their brains develop differently, so they may experience and process things in ways that other people don't. Because of this they often struggle in daily life. They may not be respected for who they are.

We are trying to make things better for kids like this and their families!

Occupational Therapist Natalie Mannherz will offer an introduction to some home-based activities for children who may struggle with issues that relate to the way their brains work. She will be joined by Kari White from Northern Counties Health Care and Brad Smith from Vermont Learning-Support Initiative to answer your questions and offer support. Please join us! Food will be provided. Masking optional and respected. No cost to participate.

Questions? Contact Brad Smith: bsmith@vermontlearningsupport.org

A Project of Vermont Learning-Support Initiative & the Vermont Community Health Equity Program

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105-196 Mountain View Drive, St Johnsbury, VT

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