Minėmå Gallery is thrilled to be exhibiting the unique drawings, sculptures, and textiles of Johnson artist and UVM professor Meg McDevitt.
The works in this show offer a variety of approaches made with a sculptor's sensibility, applied through acts of drawing.
Although there may not be obvious similarities between the different works in this show, they are linked by tenets of drawing and the desire to create unexpected variation.
"Iterations" is on view Tuesday through Saturday from 10m-4 pm until March 11, 2023.
Opening Reception, Sunday, January 29th, 2-3 pm. Tea & Chocolate will be served.
Artist Talk, Sunday, February 19th, 11-noon. Tea & muffins will be served.
Free and open to the public. All are welcome!
More information at https://www.minemagallery.com/, Instagram, and Facebook.
Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Merengue Dance Fun!Mar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 1:30 PM
Overcoming Your Limiting BeliefsMar 12, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM