Oxygen Advantage Breathwork Class at All Souls

Past event
Feb 1, 2023, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Discover your breathing habits, increase your breathing efficiency, and move your body. Develop your breathing toolkit and learn techniques to calm down, create focus, and improve your performance. Each class will include 3 key components: information on your breath's ability to influence your body, exercises to increase your breathing efficiency and function, and a guided breathwork practice.

Classes are held the first Wednesday or every month, 11:30am-12:30pm. Come to one or all classes. Each class will explore a different aspect of breathing:
February 1 – Breathing biomechanics: nose, diaphragm, & posture
March 1 – Breathing biochemistry: role of carbon dioxide in your body
April 5 – Cadence & rhythm: your breath & your nervous system
May 3 – Functional breathing review & movement coordination

Classes are taught by Nicole Carpenter, a breathwork educator, breathing coach, and yoga instructor. You can learn more about Nicole at her website, www.thebreathandbalance.com.

Improve your breathing habits and improve how you feel, move, and sleep.
Register at www.allsoulsinterfaith.org/events

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All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Bostwick Farm Road, Shelburne, VT

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