Hi Shaftsbury residents and neighbors,
According to the Town of Shaftsbury website, there is a Shaftsbury Selectboard meeting today on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday. Here is the Town of Shaftsbury website link: https://shaftsburyvt.gov/
The meeting is held at 6:30 PM, both at the Town Clerk's Office at Cole Hall and virtually on Zoom.
Please attend to stay informed and learn what's going on in the town that will affect you and your family.
If you'd like to attend the Zoom portion of the meeting, click this link to read the meeting agenda and find the meeting Zoom link: https://shaftsburyvt.gov/all-docs/agendas/sb/01-16-23.pdf
I hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Andrea E. Bacchi
Shaftsbury Resident