Tuttle Middle School Fall Play This Weekend!

Past event
Jan 14, 7 PM to 8:30 PM, Jan 15, 2023

Looking for some entertainment this weekend? I have just the thing for you! This Friday and Saturday night, the theater department at Tuttle Middle School brings "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten" to the stage. Based on Robert Fulghum's books, Kindergarten takes a funny, insightful and heartwarming look at what is profound in everyday life. It is an evening of theatrical storytelling with monologues, dialogues, short scenes and original songs.

The delightful stories feature colorful characters such as: a shy little boy who insists on playing the "pig" in his class production of Cinderella and steals the show; a man whose dream of flying carries him high over Los Angeles ... in a lawn chair buoyed by surplus weather balloons; a "mother of the bride" who's staged a perfect wedding—until the bowling ball of fate rolls down the aisle; and a modern-day Greek philosopher who finds the meaning of life in a piece of broken mirror from World War II.

The performances will take place at the South Burlington High School Auditorium on Friday, January 13 and Saturday January 14. Both shows are at 7 pm and tickets ($10 for adults; $6 for students and seniors), may be purchased at the door.

We recommend that all attendees be masked.

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