Happy New Year!
The Town Planning Commission (PC) will be meeting on Thursday, January 12th @6:30 p.m., 81 Main Street Conference Room. Link to meeting: https://www.essexvt.org/1043/Join-Zoom-Meeting-Essex-PC
Visit the Town website @ http://www.essexvt.org to view the Agenda, application and supporting materials. Only one application is scheduled for review. Al Senecal is the owner of the lots located off Red Pine Circle (off Thompson Drive and near Saxon Hill recreation lands). Mr. Senecal is proposing to shift the side boundary lines between 84 & 88 Red Pine Circle; eliminate the rear boundary line of 99 Red Pine Circle so that the parcel will merge with the lands owned by Reinhardt Foods (located at 32 Thompson Drive. It is expected that Reinhardt will be submitting a site plan amendment application for an accessory structure in the future); and a site plan is proposed to construct a 35,000 s.f. multi-tenant commercial building on the parcel known as 150 Red Pine Circle. New tenants will be required to secure a Use Permit so that I can confirm it is a permitted use or conditional use and make sure it fits within the site plan that was approved for the building. Conditional uses are required to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The PC meets 2x/month (every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month.) Currently, the 2nd PC meeting is dedicated to planning as the 2016 Town Plan is due to expire and must be renewed by 2024. The Town Plan is valid for 10 years. An informational postcard was mailed out to town residents about Town Plan workshops, which are happening now. So far, we have received great feedback from landowners! These workshops are a great opportunity to use your voice and tell the PC how you would like to see the Town going forward. Remaining workshops are as follows: Thursday, 1/12/23, 10:00 a.m., Uncommon Coffee located at the Essex Experience next to the Art Hound; Thursday 1/12/23, 6:30 a.m. @ Essex Country Club, 332 Old Stage Road; and Saturday, 1/14/23, 2:00 p.m., Fort Ethan Allen Museum, 11 Marcy Drive. The museum is located at the back of the building facing Gero Bros Trucking. (If you have not yet visited the museum – it is worth your time!
Other questions regarding planning and zoning, callme or send me an email. Sharon Kelley, Zoning Administrator & Health Officer, skelley@essex.org (email)
Have a great day!
Mar 6, 2025
Town of Essex Development Review BoardMar 6, 2025, 6 PM
This Monday! Community Mandala Unveiling CelebrationMar 10, 2025, 3 to 3:30 PM