Ohavi Zedek Lunch & Learn Series

Past event
Jan 17, 2023, 12 PM

HomeShare Vermont Executive Director Kirby Dunn will speak about how homesharing works and the benefits of sharing a room in your home at the Lunch & Learn Series of Ohavi Zedek Synagogue on Tuesday, January 17 at noon.

Homesharing is a simple, but powerful, idea where two or more people share a home for mutual benefit. It can help reduce costs and expenses, while building friendships. HomeShare Vermont is a non-profit organization with over 40 years of experience matching homeshare hosts and guests.

The Lunch & Learn Series is a series of luncheons and talks held on the third Tuesday of the month at Ohavi Zedek Synagogue at 188 N. Prospect Street in Burlington. The talks are free and open to the community. Donations to help defray expenses are gratefully accepted.

The series is being held in-person and separate seating is available for those who want to remain masked and not have lunch. To register for the event, visit https://ohavizedek.shulcloud.com/form/lunch-and-learn-reg.

To learn more about the Lunch & Learn Series, you can contact Ohavi Zedek Synagogue at (802) 864-0218 ext. 1 or email sophie@ohavizedek.org.

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