Join Neighborhood Discussion with Our State Legislators

Past event
Jan 11, 2023, 7 to 9 PM

Welcome to the new year! And we look forward to hearing from you at our NPA meetings.

Our next Ward 1 Neighborhood NPA meeting is next Wednesday, January 11, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Friends Meeting House at 173 North Prospect Street.

Our focus will be a discussion with our state legislators about the newly-begun legislative session. Brian Cina and Troy Headrick are our State Representatives and Martine Gulick, Tanya Vyhovsky, and Phil Baruth are our State Senators. They are eager to hear our concerns and suggestions for their focus this year.

Please consider attending our meeting in person or online and participating in this discussion.

If you would like to submit questions ahead of time, please send them to one of the following Ward 1 NPA Steering Committee Members:

Tom Derenthal,
Carol Livingston,
Jonathan Chapple-Sokol,
JF Carter Neubieser

Below is the agenda for next Wednesday's meeting, which includes the online link as well.

We hope to see you there!

Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 7:00 - 9:00 PM

In-person at the Friends Meeting House, 173 North Prospect Street

And Zoom online
Webinar ID: 962 4593 9050
Or by phone: +1 929 205 6099 ID= 962 4593 9050

Facilitator: Tom Derenthal Minutes: Carol Livingston

6:30 Snacks provided

7:00 Formal Start - Announcement & Introductions - name, street, ward

7:10 Speakout

7:30 City Council Update - Zoraya Hightower, Maea Brandt

7:45 School Commissioners Update - Kathy Olwell, Aquilas Lokossou

7:50 DPW Park Services Update - Jeff Padgett
Initiatives; transition of Parking Enforcement from BPD to DPW; parking changes

8:10 Discussion with our State Legislators: Representatives Brian Cina & Troy Headrick;
Senators Martine Gulick & Tanya Vyhovsky

9:00 Adjourn

Ward 1 NPA Steering Committee
Tom Derenthal,
Carol Livingston,
Jonathan Chapple-Sokol,
JF Carter Neubieser

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