Development Review Board Meeting Notice

Past event
Jan 19, 2023, 7 PM

Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Location: Calais Municipal Office

PLEASE NOTE: This will be a business meeting, not a public hearing. The public is welcome to attend and will be given the opportunity to offer comment if they wish.

7:00 pm • Call to Order

1) Adoption of minutes of December 7, 2022

2) Discussion with John McCullough, Calais Zoning Administrator
Reviewing our roles and procedures
Learn more about when work is allowed to begin prior to permits being issued
Other jurisdictional issues
Opportunity for public comment and discussion

3) Board Discussion about other procedural and administrative items including:
How the DRB is to consider/balance multiple values as outlined in the town plan when these values can actually be in conflict.
Extent to which we can address issues re. interior of a building, particularly number of bedrooms.
Should we even address items that are addressed in state permit?
Should we develop a process for receiving feedback from people who have participated in a DRB quasi-judicial hearing
Format for DRB decisions
Should the DRB make "interested party" determination or should we allow anyone to offer evidence at a hearing
In subdivision review, should board reviewing final plan submission be the same as the board that head the preliminary plan submission
Opportunity for public comment and discussion

4) New/Other items for future discussion

5) Adjourn

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