Owls of New England

Past event
Jan 10, 2023, 7 to 8 PM

Bird Diva Bridget Butler

Owls of New England. January 10th, 7 pm on Zoom from home or at the Lanpher Memorial Library on a big screen (for those without a computer). Sponsored by Lamoille Neighbors and the Lanpher Memorial Library.
With eleven different species of owls found in the New England, there's plenty to hoot about! This group of birds will capture your imagination and your heart, whether it's with their adorable size, their booming voices, or incredible hunting skills. Join Bird Diva Bridget Butler for a lively online presentation on these charismatic birds. You'll learn where and when to look for owls as well as how to recognize the calls of our most common owls - Bridget will have you hooting, literally, by the end of the show. Find out why these birds are so amazing and what you can do to keep owls a part of the landscape! Register HERE through the Lanpher Library.

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zoom or Lanpher Memorial Library, Hyde Park. sign up URL below.

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