Resolve to Become Civically Active in 2023!

Past event
Jan 30, 2023

The registered voters of the Town of Panton will vote for the following elected officers at Town Meeting 2023:

Moderator (1-year term)
Selectboard Member (3-year term)
Lister (3-year term)
Lister (two years of a 3-year term)
Lister (one year of a 3-year term)
Constable (1 year term)
Dog Warden (1 year term)
Vergennes-Panton Water District Representative (3-year term)
Vergennes-Panton Water District Representative (one year of a 3-year term)
Addison Northwest School District Representative (3-year term)

Descriptions of Town offices may be found at:

For more information about the Addison Northwest School District (ANWSD) Representative position, please visit or call 802.877.3332.

To become a candidate for an elected position, you must submit a petition containing thirty (30) signatures or one percent of registered voters, whichever is less. 17 V.S.A. §2681(b)
• Panton has 541 registered voters as of 12/29/2022.

The petition shall contain the name of the candidate as it appears on the [voter] checklist, the name of the office, and the term of the office sought. Along with their petition, candidates must file a consent of candidate form with the municipal clerk. Petitions must be turned in to the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the 6th Monday preceding the election.
• For Town Meeting 2023, petitions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 30, 2023.

Petition and Consent of Candidate forms are available at or at Town Hall during normal business hours. Please note there is a different petition for school board candidates. It is included at the link above.

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3176 Jersey Street, Panton, VT

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