The registered voters of the Town of Panton will vote for the following elected officers at Town Meeting 2023:
Moderator (1-year term)
Selectboard Member (3-year term)
Lister (3-year term)
Lister (two years of a 3-year term)
Lister (one year of a 3-year term)
Constable (1 year term)
Dog Warden (1 year term)
Vergennes-Panton Water District Representative (3-year term)
Vergennes-Panton Water District Representative (one year of a 3-year term)
Addison Northwest School District Representative (3-year term)
Descriptions of Town offices may be found at:
For more information about the Addison Northwest School District (ANWSD) Representative position, please visit or call 802.877.3332.
To become a candidate for an elected position, you must submit a petition containing thirty (30) signatures or one percent of registered voters, whichever is less. 17 V.S.A. §2681(b)
• Panton has 541 registered voters as of 12/29/2022.
The petition shall contain the name of the candidate as it appears on the [voter] checklist, the name of the office, and the term of the office sought. Along with their petition, candidates must file a consent of candidate form with the municipal clerk. Petitions must be turned in to the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the 6th Monday preceding the election.
• For Town Meeting 2023, petitions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 30, 2023.
Petition and Consent of Candidate forms are available at or at Town Hall during normal business hours. Please note there is a different petition for school board candidates. It is included at the link above.