Informational Meeting Jan. 12

Past event
Jan 12, 2023, 6:30 PM

Notice is given that the Select Board will hold an Informational Meeting on Thursday, January 12th at 6:30 at the Community Center. This meeting will provide voters with information and a chance to ask questions regarding the Special Town Meeting being held on Tuesday, January 17th. The informational meeting has to be within 10 days of the actual voting day.

The Special Town Meeting was called in response to a petition received following approval of Article 1 voted on November 8th regarding the Town purchasing a right of way from Mountain View Road to the south western side of the town garage parcel. Many of the folks who signed the petition to reconsider and rescind the original vote, felt not enough information was provided and that there was little time for discussion.

Please mark you calendars to attend the Informational Meeting on the 12th, and to cast your ballots on the 17th.

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