Breathwork Classes Now Available at POMP in Essex

Past event
Jan 21, 2023, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

It's no secret that most of us struggle with the everyday pressures of life. We're living in an age where we're busier than ever and because we're disconnected from our bodies, it's easy for us to become buried in feelings and emotions that we don't know how to deal with or process. For many of us, the norm is being constantly stressed, anxious, worried, and overwhelmed. Breathwork allows us to be still, be with ourselves, and breathe and feel through our experiences. We were given the tool of breath since birth, but most people are unaware of how powerful and transformational the breath can be.

Breathwork is a method where we use continual breathwork to break down emotions in the body that are stagnant and create havoc on our energetic systems. Breathwork is a practice of allowing our systems to see a different perspective whereby we feel deeply connected to our bodies and understand and experience the intelligence contained within our systems. Pause Breathwork is a way to heal, release, and transform.

Here are the most common benefits of breathwork:

» Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief.
» Connect with your emotions & change your response to them.
» Revitalizes your organs.
» Gives you access to your higher power.
» Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release.
» More energy & mental clarity.
» Deepens your relationship to your body.
» Release trauma that has been stuck in your system for years.
» Better access your intuition, higher self, and source.

If you'd like to experience this profound modality - Beginning Saturday, January 7th from 11:30am -12:30pm - Danen Williamson will be offering Breathwork Classes at Peace of Mind Pilates in Essex, VT every week. Classes are $35/per person and all levels are welcome!

If you're interested, please go to this link to schedule a class on the Mind Body App:

If you have questions, you can email me directly at -

I look forward to breathing with you!


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Event Info

Peace of Mind Pilates, Essex Way, Essex Junction, VT

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