Stay Tuned for Ryegate Community Solar.
We will be developing a 150 KW solar array (about 1/2 acre) in town, in order for about 50 local families and businesses to invest in lower cost electricity. This will enable more of us to cut down on our need for more expensive and less reliable fossil fuels and replace our appliances with more efficient renewable solar energy.
In order for Ryegate to realize this project we need a number of people to volunteer, join us and help with the many tasks that will be required!
Help is needed in creating and handing out promotional literature. Contacting business and nonprofit organizations as well as getting the word out on social media etc.
The Ryegate Energy Committee is meeting on January 2nd in the Ryegate Town Hall, and online by Zoom, and supporters and volunteers are needed to join us on the 2nd. The more residents involved in getting the word out and signing up for one or more KWs, the better. Bring a neighbor, relative or friend along to the meeting on the 2nd. For those who want to Zoom send your names and emails and the committee will send you a Zoom link.
Please let us know your questions and if you can help. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to
help the town and residents reduce our carbon footprint as well as save money.
Carl Bayer, Ryegate Energy Committee
Ryegate and Climate Change