Movie Time with Dr Pete

Past event
Dec 21, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

What is this, another 'Movie Time with Dr Pete'? Didn't I just read one or two of these? And what kind of doctor is he, anyway?

To answer your last question first, gentle reader, not the kind of doctor you hope runs your way when you collapse and someone yells out "is there a doctor here?"

And to answer your first questions, this coming Wednesday at 6 pm at Catamount Arts, I, your decidedly non-medical doctor of cinema, will be hosting the third film of Abbas Kiarostami's Koker Trilogy in as many weeks. This week's film is titled "Through the Olive Trees" (1994).

Abbas Kiarostami is known and celebrated for his innovative approach to cinema, one that is deeply invested in the possibilities of the medium to engage the viewer, emotionally and intellectually, in its search for truth. 'What even is truth?', you ask, because you're a post-modern subject and maybe just a teensy bit jaded. To that question, Kiarostami calmly and gently takes your hand and says, 'let's look carefully and see what we can see,' for Abbas Kiarostami's films constantly teach us how to see the world with hope, even in all its ambivalence and complexity. By looking carefully and sensitively at the very ordinary, Kiarostami's camera helps reveal to us the breathtaking possibility and beauty of ordinary life. As critic Hamid Dabashi put it, "Abbas Kiarostami was busy trying to teach us how to see the world differently…Kiarostami sought a re-reading of reality from a tabula rasa that would make the world once again meaningful and trustworthy."

I hope you're able to join us,
Dr Pete

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