Wednesday, July 02, 4:30-Dusk @the roundabout
Rupert's Fine Food will be serving LOBSTER ROLLS or just have it in a boat, served with Cape Cod Kettle Chips, we will also be serving Lychee Ice Tea (fruit grown in southeast Asia) along with our other menu items, Hot dogs, Hamburger/cheeseburgers, pulled pork topped with our homemade cole slaw, veggie burgers and Maple Lemonade, eat in or just stop in and take it home, be sure to take the long way around and visit our many other vendors, you might be surprised at what you may find, there will be a scavenger hunt, so stop in at the "Welcome Table" and tell Deb you wish to scavenge.
This is "YOUR" market, show your support through your attendance, it's FUN.
Kevin C. Whitcavitch
Rupert's Fine Food @Armstrong Valley Farm Caterer
N. Cambridge Rd.