Jingle Wagon

Past event
Dec 16, 2022, 5 to 9 PM

The second official Christmas Caroling Sleigh(Hay Wagon).

Please consider joining a festive group of all ages as we sing and ring in the holiday season from 5-9pm on December 16th (this Friday). The wagon holds about 20 carolers so please be patient and come early. Please park at Moore park or town hall parking, Candy canes, hot chocolate music, and cheer provided. Please bring cookies or snacks to share. Bring a friend(s) or class mate as a great way to meet new folks.

The wagon is a well lit with lights and balsam boughs. We will be operating out of the Moore Park (future skating rink) as well as Michael and Emily Diffenderfers adjacent to Underhill Town Hall. Merry Holidays!!!

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