Underhill Selectboard Meeting Agenda Dec. 15

Past event
Dec 15, 2022, 6 PM

Regular Selectboard Meeting
Underhill Town Hall - 12 Pleasant Valley Road
In-person and remote access meeting (see below)
Thursday, December 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Call meeting to order/adjustments to the agenda

6:00 p.m. Opening Public Comment

6:05 p.m. Sidewalk plowing discussion/revised contract

6:15 p.m. FY24 Budget review – Version 1

7:00 p.m. Conflict of Interest Policy - Acknowledgment status

7:10 p.m. Review and authorize signature for 12 Dumas Road FEMA Buyout Subgrant Agreement and Advanced Notice to Proceed.

7:20 p.m. Consider/authorize Better Back Road Grant Application FY24 – Lower English Settlement

7:35 pm. Consider review and revisions to the Purchasing Policy and the Property Acquisition/Disposition Polices.

7:50 p.m. Road Commissioner recruitment update

8:00 p.m. Closing Public Comment Period

8:05 p.m. Warrants and Minutes: Review/Approve current warrants and the minutes from the December 1, 2022 regular meeting.

8:10 p.m. Member items, correspondence, announcements, schedule, the next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting for December 22, 2022 has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be January 12, 2022. Set date for UJFD joint meeting with Jericho. Consider future budget meetings dates.

8:15 p.m. Adjourn Selectboard meeting (tentative)

Underhill Selectboard Meeting 12-15-2022
Dec 15, 2022, 6:00 PM
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
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