The Barre Town Community Forest Management Plan Committee will be hosting their third meeting on Monday, December 12th at 6:30pm in Conference room #3 of the Town Municipal Building. The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to Order: 6:30pm
2. Consider Approving Agenda
3. Consider Approving November 28th Meeting Minutes and Retroactively sign off on November 21st approved Minutes.
4. Community Forest Management Planning Presentation from Caitlin Cusack
5. Conservation Easement Q&A with Caitlin Cusack
6. Consider Approving Ground Rules
7. Schedule Tentative Agenda for December 19th meeting
8. 'Round the Table
9. Adjourn
All meetings of the CFMPC are open to the public. There is also a remote option to attend using the Microsoft Teams application: Meeting ID: 217 881 923 132 Password: AHJW5H (password is case sensitive).
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