The Cambridge Community Christmas Dinner rises again!!!
Once again the Cambridge community is preparing for the Community Christmas Dinner. Our entire community – businesses, individuals, families and groups – joins together to embrace the holiday spirit collectively. In honor of the fact that Christmas is on Sunday this year, the dinners will be prepared and delivered on Saturday, Christmas Eve Day. We'd love for you to join in the preparation of the dinners. Let us know if you would like to volunteer to help make this fantastic community event happen! Here are some of the 'jobs' that are involved:
§ distribute flyers to local businesses about the dinner (flyer attached)
§ order and pick up squash from Country Gals
§ request and pickup boxes from Black Dog
§ begin set up on Friday with other volunteers
§ help package rolls, applesauce, coleslaw, and potatoes to send with the takeout dinners
§ join in staffing the kitchen on Saturday (with a great chef to guide us!)
§ join the multitude to pack up the takeout dinners (we're going for 125 this year)
§ spread the word to friends, family, and neighbors
§ deliver meals to participants (Rick Catlin has this organized once again!)
As in previous years, Rick Catlin will be staffing the "Communication Center." Please call him at 518-502-9011 (new number) and let him know if you'd like a dinner delivered – where you live and number of take-out dinners for you and yours. The reservations are critical –by December 21. There is no charge for this dinner; you need not live in Cambridge to participate; we welcome everyone! If you live in southern Washington County or northern Rensselaer County, we will bring the dinner to your home. Remember - you must call to reserve home delivered meals.
Call Naomi at 518-232-8801 or email – - for more information and/or to put your name on one of her famous lists!!! Also call Naomi if you would like some flyers to hand out.
Thanks much!!!
Feb 6, 2025, 5 to 8 PM
Walk with a DocFeb 8, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 AM
Monthly Hiring Events at United Counseling ServiceFeb 11, 2025, 3 to 5 PM