Tis the Season for Giving...
Beginning December 1 through the 20, Bryan Gallery will be hosting The Giving Tree!
We ask that you spread a little extra holiday cheer for those in need by bringing new unwrapped toys and/or a variety of non-perishables to the Gallery any Thursday - Sunday from 11am - 4pm.
Food items that are appreciated this time of year include hearty canned soups, canned meats/fish/chicken, macaroni and cheese. There is also a need for personal care items such as tooth brushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and tissue paper.
As a thank you, we will provide a gift back by offering you *10% off your purchase during your visit (including artwork).
All new unwrapped toys will be donated to Toys for Kids of Vermont.
All non-perishables will be donated to the Cambridge Community Food Shelf.
Thank you for helping us give back to those in need within our community!