Hi Neighbors,
The Ward 1 NPA will meet on Wednesday, 12/14 from 7-9 PM, with time before the meeting to get together, chat with your neighbors, and enjoy locally prepared snacks. We meet again at the Friends Meeting House at 173 North Prospect Street, and on Zoom (details below). Ohavi Zedek is again offering their lot for parking, with the understanding that they are not liable for any loss or damage to your vehicles.
The NPA is a place where you can let your opinions be heard; we look forward to your participation!!!!!
Here's the agenda:
Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 7:00 - 9:00 PM
In-person at the Friends Meeting House, 173 North Prospect Street
And Zoom online
Webinar ID: 962 4593 9050
Or by phone: +1 929 205 6099 ID= 962 4593 9050
6:30 Food and Welcome
7:00 Formal Start - Announcement & Introductions - Name, Street, Ward
7:10 Speakout
7:30 City Council Update - Zoraya Hightower, Maea Brandt: Redistricting update, next steps; an update on houselessness and drug usage; Trinity campus; Just-cause eviction next steps
7:45 School Commissioners Update - Kathy Olwell, Aquilas Lokossou
7:50 East Ave. Traffic Calming Project update - Julia Ursaki, DPW Transportation Engineer: Status of the project; time for Q/A
8:05 Burlington Community Justice Center - Brigid Blazek, Victim Services Specialist: Overview of programs; role in Burlington's Public Safety response
8:35 Apple Grove Project Update - Nick Smith, SD Ireland: Brief review; update on our concerns: affordability; type of units; management; connection to City housing plan; transitioning residents
9:00 Adjourn
Take care,
Mar 3, 2025, 4:30 to 9:30 PM
Winooski School District Annual Meeting March 3-4Mar 3, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
One Farmers Market Benefit Bake at American FlatbreadMar 4, 2025, 4 to 10 PM