Lake Champlain Maritime Museum's schooner Lois McClure will be in port at Perkins Pier in Burlington on July 1st through July 6th during her tour commemorating the War of 1812 Bicentennial. Visitors can board the schooner free of charge to explore the 88-foot long boat “from stem to stern.” Many ports on the tour played significant roles during the War of 1812. In recent years, a tangible legacy of shipwrecks from the War of 1812 has been discovered at the bottom of the lakes and waterways where naval history was made. These shipwrecks, and related sites on land form a powerful connection to the little-known war, which closed the final chapter in North American boundary disputes and ushered in two centuries of peaceful alliance between the United States, Britain, and Canada.
The schooner will be open 10 - 5 daily except July 3rd when she will be open 1pm to 8pm.