Liquor Control Board Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Regular Items
A. Discussion/Approval: Hometeste Foodmarket - 2nd Class Liquor License - Jenny Willingham, City Clerk
B. Discussion/Approval: Hometeste Foodmarket - Tobacco License and Tobacco Endorsement - Jenny Willingham, City Clerk
IV. Adjourn
Download the agenda:
City Council Agenda
Please note, this meeting begins the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Process! Join us to view the overall budget presentation & general government overview. To view the City Manager's proposed budget, presentation, and all other FY24 budget info, please visit
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda Review
III. Public Comment
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Approval: City Council Minutes of 11.7.22 and 11.28.22
B. Approval: Accounts Payable Warrants 11.16.22, 11.18.22, 12.01.22
C. Approval: Payroll Warrants 10.30.22 - 11.12.22, 11.13.22 - 11.26.22
V. Council Reports
VI. City Updates
VII. Regular Items
A. Discussion/Approval: Assessor's Office Errors & Omissions - Elaine Wang, City Manager
B. FY24 Budget Presentation: Overall Budget Presentation & General Government - Elaine Wang, City Manager
C. Discussion: Strategic Vision Area Goal Update - Economic Vitality - Elaine Wang, City Manager
D. Discussion: Consider Airport Commissioner Appointment - Elaine Wang, City Manager
VIII. Executive Session
Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313 (2) the negotiation of real estate purchase or lease options related to Lot 7D (Abenaki Way)
IX. Regular Items
A. Discussion/Approval: announce an agreement if any is reached during executive session
X. Adjourn
Attend online:
Attend by phone: 1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 843 6484 9328
Attend in person: Winooski City Hall (27 West Allen Street)
Please read our Remote Meeting Procedures if you plan to participate via Zoom:
To sign up for public comment via Zoom, fill out our Public Comment Request Form or call 802 655 6410 to schedule:
Questions? Call or email: 802 655 6410 /
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