Selectboard Agenda Dec. 7

Past event
Dec 7, 2022, 6 PM

December 7, 2022
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1. Meeting Call to Order 6:00PM
2. Agenda Additions or Deletions 6:00PM
3. Public Comment (for items not on the agenda) 6:00PM
4. Approve Minutes of 11/16 6:05PM

5. Selectboard Forum 6:10PM

6. GMTA Presentation – Jon Moore 6:15PM

7. Consider Approval of Public Safety Strategic Plan Consultant 6:25PM

8. Consider Approval of Highway Truck Purchase 6:35PM

9. Consider Approval of Revised FY23 Water Allocations 6:45PM

10. Review Draft FY24 Operating and Capital Budgets and Warn Public Hearing 6:55PM

11. Consider Approval of Easement to VEC for Landfill Solar Project 7:15PM

12. Consider Approval of Lease Option Agreement Amendment with Acorn Solar 7:20PM

13. Town Manager Report 7:25PM

14. Approve Warrants and Payroll 7:35PM

15. Possible Executive Session pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(A) to discuss a contract the premature disclosure of which could put the town at a disadvantage.

16. Adjourn 7:40PM

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