Monday at 5:30. Our City Council meeting on Monday will begin with a presentation on South End zoning changes being proposed for the area of the current "Enterprise- Light Manufacturing Zone" from Sears Lane to Howard Street. The proposal would limit industrial uses in the area and allow for housing. Height limits will increase from 45' (4 stories) to 85' (8 stories). Surface parking will be strongly discouraged or disallowed, in favor of structured parking wrapped by other uses. This is a very rough overview of some elements of the proposal. If you're interested in the issue, I encourage you to join us at the 5:30 "work session" on the topic. More information is available about the proposal here:
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts after reviewing the proposal.
We will also be discussing and likely voting on a redistricting map (new City Council ward boundaries) at Monday's meeting. At this writing, there seem to be many maps under discussion, and I cannot forecast which one will be selected. But to give you an idea of maps under discussion, you can find them at this link:[...]bd0
To select the map you want to look at, you need to open the "eye" of that map. You also need to make sure all the other eyes are closed. (Hopefully, that will make sense to you if you go to the link). The Council previously agreed that we would limit our focus to 8 ward 4 district maps. I believe that is what we are likely to do, but if we find a majority agrees on a different combination, we are not bound to adhere to 8 wards 4 districts.
Mar 12, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Buddhist Loving-Kindness CourseMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Community Safety Forum #4 - Hate and Bias IncidentsMar 13, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM