Town of Richmond Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Hybrid- Town Office Conference Room, 3rd Floor
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome and Roll Call
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Business: (7:40 - 8:30)
a. Administration: (Sheri)
i. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: Nov 15, 2022
ii. Meeting Schedule: Review dates 2023 and update from Duncan about meeting space Jan - March.
iii. Annual Report Submission - Volunteer.
iv. Review action items from last meeting:
1. Google form for comments (Duncan)
2. ARPA list collected by Committee (Duncan)
3. Goggle Sheet of ideas for improvements to Volunteers Green (Sheri)
4. Recruitment write up for finding new committee members (Kate)
b. Review 2023 Draft Priorities
i. Area: Volunteers Green
1. Identify repairs and maintenance and improvement priorities for various funds (e.g. Capital Plan using reserve funds, ARPA, Conservation Funds)
2. Collect input from community on the improvements to playground
3. Recruit volunteers for community clean up in spring and/or summer months
ii. Area: Funding/Grant Writing
1. Identify which of the three funding sources (Conservation Commission, reserve funds for Capital Plan, and ARPA) to use for the improvements to the Volunteers Green
2. Develop a work plan (list of actions) to request funding from the three sources.
a. Submit needed information to the Selectboard for the Capital Plan in January.
b. Request to the Conservation Commission to be determined.
c. ARPA will send recommendations to Selectboard - what else can be done.
iii. Area: Outreach and Education:
1. Website updated.
2. Training on how to add to the web and update as needed.
3. Comments are collected on website and linked to other towns. May also put a code up on VG.
iv. Recruitment of Volunteers and Board Members
1. Senior Center newsletter.
2. Recruit at spring community cleanup day.
3. Front Porch Forum and other social media.
c. Next meeting: set agenda items for next meeting
d. Motion to Adjourn: 8:30
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