Police Advisory Board Agenda
Monday, December12, 2022
6:00 pm
Barre Public Safety Building
Conference Room
15 Fourth Street
Barre, VT 05641
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5327 6707
Telephone 1 929 205 6099
Open to the Public
1. Call to order.
2. Consider approval or adjustments of the agenda
3. Consider approval of previous meeting minutes
4. Receive guests
5. Councilor Waszazak's report
6. Chief's report
7. Discuss & Consider approving the Secondary Employment Request
8. Discuss and consider approving Secondary Employment policy
9. Discuss and consider approving Authorized Firearms and Weapons policy
10. Discuss and consider approving Fleet Operations policy
11. Discuss and consider approving Performance Appraisal System
12. Discuss and consider approving Awards and Recognition
13. Discuss and consider approving Performance and Evaluation
14. Discuss and consider approving Performance and Evaluation supplement
15. Discuss and consider approving Vehicle Pursuit Report
16. Discuss and consider approving Field Training Program
16. Discuss and consider approving Field Training Evaluation Program
17. Discuss and consider approving Emergency Driving
18. Miscellaneous
19. Adjourn
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