Ward 8 NPA - Meet the Candidates - Monday

Past event
Nov 28, 2022, 7 to 8:15 PM

Hello Neighbors,

Monday evening, meet the candidates for East District City Councilor, at our next Ward 8 NPA meeting. Candidates will discuss issues and answer questions from the public. For details, see below. I hope you can join us.


Ward 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)

Monday, Monday November 28, 2022

In-person at the third floor City Hall Conference Room and Zoom online

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Ward residents should intend to participate via Zoom or in-person if they wish to speak or vote.

Facilitator: Keith Pillsbury
Host: Sam Heinrichs,

7.00 Announcements & Introductions

7:05 Speak-out: Ward 8 residents will be given first opportunity to speak

7:15 Introduction and discussion with East District City Council candidates: Maea Brandt, Dina John, and Jake Schuman

8;15 Adjourn

Ward 8 NPA Steering Committee
- Bill Church wrchurch@me.com
- Keith Pillsbury kpillsbury7@gmail.com
- Lauren Ebersol lebersol27@gmail.com

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Event Info

Third floor City Hall Conference Room, 149 Church St, Burlington

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