Richmond Racial Equity Agenda for November 16, 6:30-7:30
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
Mission Statement Revision
Committee contact person
RRE meeting schedule
Committee Reports:
Possible community engagement with recommended Anti Racism books and graphic novel, The Most Costly Journey
Policy and Policing
P&P is meeting with the Town Manager and Interim Police Chief to work on the first step of the plan approved by the Selectboard Board to provide community oversight of and engagement with the police: improve data collection and share policing activities and outcomes. We have met several times and are currently working on updating the RPD website.
Alexis-Scheduled conversation with Abenaki scholar, artist and teacher, Judy Dow to set up a date for her presentation on Land Acknowledgement to RRE.
Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 9908 9981
Passcode: 130365
One tap mobile
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