Hanging on Narrowly: Jewish Rituals, Herbs for Grieving

Past event
Nov 17, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Hanging on Narrowly: Jewish Rituals, Herbs and Folk Traditions for Death and Grieving
with Arielle Bareket

online, recorded and closed captioned

Tickets: https://vcih.newzenler.com/courses/jewishrituals

Jewish creation story tells us that on the first day of the world God created light in the darkness ... and also created the angel of death. In the face of the mortality inherent in all life, Jewish cultures have generated integral ritual practices and traditions providing emotional comfort, communal support, protection and spiritual solace in times of death, loss and moving through thresholds of grieving. These practices and rituals can continue to guide us through the gutting moments of grief and hold us firm through the complex emotions of mourning.

In this two hour class we will explore beliefs, rituals and herbs in Jewish tradition around experiences of death and grieving shared throughout the diaspora, with focus on superstition and folk practices from Ashkenazi tradition. We will discuss the supportive traditions from biblical times to the Talmud that exist to express k'vod hamet, respect for the dead, and nihum avelim, to console and hold those left behind. We will look at these practices from the moments leading up to death to one year later and on.

Topics covered will include views on death and dying, initial care of the deceased, burial and the stages of mourning. We'll dive into Ashkenazi specific folk traditions and superstitions within this context; the omen of owls, the power of harvesting herbs from cemeteries, the protective power of circles. We'll focus on practices that allow us to dive deep into our grief, and honor and nourish relationships with our ancestors long after they have left this world; soul candles, professional mourners, yahrzeit and thkhines—while weaving the presence of herbs throughout it all.

All people are welcome to join this class, whether or not you are Jewish/of Jewish ancestry.

Arielle Bareket (she/her) is a clinical herbalist, registered nurse, gardener, and craftsperson with a deep reverence for the natural world. Learn more about Arielle via goldenbonesbotanicals.com.

Hosted by Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, vtherbcenter.org.

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