You are invited to participate in-person in a Housing Forum hosted by the Westminster Planning Commission. This public discussion and information-gathering session is designed to begin to address the housing crisis we are experiencing. In small groups focused on specific topics, you can bring forward your best and most creative ideas for addressing a variety of issues. At the end of the evening a summary of ideas will be shared with the entire group.
Discussion Topics to Include:
• Elder Housing (strategies for aging in place, small Group Homes, elder communities, your ideas…)
• Tiny homes (solving zoning issues, clustering, off-grid, your ideas…)
• Clustered housing (concentrated villages, Planned Unit Developments- are they right for your land? Your ideas…)
• Short-term rentals: Boon or Bust? (income booster, impact on housing market, successful strategies for regulation, freeing up long-term rentals, your ideas…)
• Other topics you care about?
How would you like to have some say about the future of our town?
Two heads are better than one, and many heads are better than two. We need you!
Please join us as we come together to find creative solutions!
Light refreshments will be served.
Mar 2, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Open House - Dummerston Historical SocietyMar 2, 2025, 1 to 3 PM
2025 Annual Putney Town Meeting & Australian BallotMar 4, 2025, 10 AM to 7 PM