Meditate and Create is a workshop that comes to know that life is full of large and small ruptures and traumas that make it feel nearly impossible to be present for each moment of experience. When we cannot be present, we lose the space to make choices. In effect, we lose access to our creativity. These ruptures and traumas create our inner critics, our creative blocks, and our deeply rooted shame and doubt that sabotage our innate creativity. This workshop is designed as a relaxing, safe, and creative space for participants to land in the present moment safely and pleasantly and reinvigorate our creativity from there. Every workshop is grounded in a theme related to creativity and introspection and guides the nuances within guided meditations, art projects, writing, and discussion. Longer workshops also include yoga for every body.
Nov 18, 2024, 7 to 8 PM
Barre City Council Meeting Agenda Nov. 19Nov 19, 2024, 6 PM
School Board Meeting Nov. 20Nov 20, 2024, 6:15 to 9 PM