The November meeting of the Addison Town Historical Society will be held Sunday, November 20 at 3 pm at the Addison fire station meeting room, 44 VT Rt. 17 West.
We have a very special treat for this meeting! The Bodette family in West Addison donated a 1915 photo album to the Historical Society. Photos we will see include local farming, prize farm stock, neighbors celebrating together, local historic sites and scenes around Addison County, all circa 1915. Bob Schatz, noted photographer and neighbor, was kind enough to digitize and enhance these photos which will allow them to be projected onto a large screen and shared. Many of the subjects and sites are named, and some surnames we will see include Smith, Comeau, Vickers, Adams, Atwood, Norton, Trimble, Sheldon, Wood, St. Clair, Dumas, Allen, Beers, Tatro, Farnsworth, and of course a few Bodettes. Joe and Ray Bodette have offered to provide brief narratives, explaining some of the information.
Following the photographic presentation we will have light refreshments, followed by a short business meeting of the Society. Society dues for 2023 will remain $5.
Questions? Please call Geoff Nelson, 802-349-3305.