Authentic Movement Workshop with Jan Sandman

Past event
Dec 10, 2022, 10 AM to 4:30 PM

Beginning with the Empty Cup
A Beginner's Authentic Movement Workshop
Saturday December 10, 2022 10am-4:30pm
Twin Pond
Healing Sanctuary in Brookfield, Vermont
Cost is $125
Bring your own prepared lunch. Kitchen will be available for simple prep as needed.
To register please contact Jennifer 802-276-3839 Traveling from afar? Lodging and camping are available for an additional fee, please inquire.
Spots are limited. Register by November 18th to save your space.

Authentic Movement is a creative mystical practice of embodiment that touches upon experiences that range from deep psychological healing, ancestral encounters and healing, creative interludes, mystical and spiritual depths and physical self understanding. In the form, we strive for the physical expression of truth in each passing moment, whatever that truth may be. With eyes closed, we find, explore and follow the eternally present impulse, expressing it through movement. By allowing our impulses to lead us, our movement begins to bridge the unconscious to the conscious. Authentic Movement embraces all levels of being. In practicing the form, participants find, in addition to inner discovery, the possibility for a deep internal freedom and connection that comes with true self-acceptance.

This is a workshop for people who are new to the form, having never or only lightly experienced Authentic Movement. We will touch upon the history of the form, the basic principles of the form, but primarily participants will be experiencing the form and what it is to have full permission and safety to tune in to your body/ mind/psyche's inner landscape. We will be working deeply with the dynamic of mover/witness/inner witness, what it is to speak from a place of aliveness in your body. What it is to enter the great empty cup of mystery, beyond the mind, waiting, listening. sensing for an inner impulse to arise. Trusting the rich,wise place within that is beyond reason. It will be a full and beautiful day.

Please bring with you a vessel of emptiness, an object that is a container of space, holy space, space for your inner silence. It could be something from nature, from home, something you find or create. Let it speak to you. Take time to consider the quality of what is stirring in you as we approach this day. What issues or elements or thoughts/feelings/ imaginings are important to you now? What are you living by? Is there a focus you would like to bring to the personal work in the morning? This is a time for you to identify or uncover a potent inner thread that can be tended. You may want to have a journal with you as well.

Covid Policy: * Do not come if you are having any symptoms or known exposure * Do an at home antigen test on the morning of the class and/or wear a mask.

**Artwork by Jan Sandman

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Twin Ponds Healing Sanctuary, Brookfield, VT, USA

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