SCIP Winter Gear Swap

Past event
Nov 19, 2022, 9 AM to 12 PM

Saturday November 19th from 9 AM-12pm
Albert Bridge School
108 Hartland-Brownsville Rd. Brownsville, VT

Donate clean, good condition, outdoor gear and get tickets to purchase new to you winter gear for you and your family at 1/2 price.

Items to consider donating: ski gear, winter boots, gloves, snow clothes, skates, jackets.

Don't have gear to donate, but need stuff? Come to the swap and purchase what you need.

All proceeds benefit SCIP (School and Community in Partnership).

Gear can be donated and dropped off at the Albert Bridge school on Friday November 18th from 3-7pm. If you need to drop off earlier, please contact Amanda Yates (802) 230-6482

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