Dear Members of the Marlboro Community,
For several years, the Marlboro School Board has been looking at the future of our school. The MES Board would like to explore the vision of our school through community engagement – to meaningfully reflect on what is required to be a well-educated student in the 21st century. We feel that it is imperative that a discussion take place within the community to provide the Board with direction on moving forward.
Toward that end, we are initiating a series of three community meetings, run by a professional facilitator. We hope to hear from as many voices as possible at these meetings. The goal of the Board is three-fold:
1. Clarify the shared education vision of our school and what school structure will best allow Marlboro School to achieve our shared educational goals (examples: K-5, K-6, or K-8).
2. Make vision-oriented decisions regarding much needed capital improvements
3. Provide a safe space for community members who have asked the Board to take their middle school student tax dollars outside of the Marlboro School District, and those who hope to do so in the future, a opportunity to have their voices heard.
We aim to have these questions, and your own, answered at these meetings - so your engagement is appreciated and needed.
There will be a School District vote to allow each resident in Marlboro to vote by Australian Ballot on the outcome. The date of the vote will be determined by the outcome of the three community meetings.
We want to take the time necessary to come to a full community decision.
We invite the entire community to attend these upcoming meetings:
Thursday, Nov. 10 @ 6pm
Thursday, Dec. 1 @ 6:30pm
Thursday, Jan. 5 @ 6 pm
These will be in-person meetings with a Zoom option for accommodations (in-person is highly preferred in the Outback for small breakout discussions). Food and childcare will be provided.
We look forward to your engagement!
Marlboro School District Board
Doug Korb Chair
Celena Romo Vice-Chair
Jeremy Kirk, Clerk
Dan MacArthur
Nelli Sargsyan
Mar 7, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
Windham County Beekeepers March Meetup with Troy HallMar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 3 PM
Biz Buzz Meetup for Women+ Solo/EntrepreneursMar 11, 2025, 5 to 6 PM