My guest this week on Gathering Peace is pipe organist Lynnette Combs After moving to Vermont in 1981, Lynnette became active in singing traditional American sacred choral music, often referred to as "shape note" or "Sacred Harp". Her long association with Larry Gordon began in 1988, with being a part of the Bayley-Hazen Singers, and accompanying two choruses that Larry directed: the Onion River Chorus and the Northeast Kingdom Chorus.
She is currently organist and choirmaster at Christ Episcopal Church. She has just given a series of organ recitals to celebrate 40 years in Vermont. She plays with different ensembles in Vermont, both choral and instrumental.
You can hear this issue of Gathering Peace on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 9:05 AM immediately after the weather, and on Friday, Nov. 4 at 5:00 PM on WGDR 91.1 FM; WGDH 91.7 FM; online at (click on "Listen Live") or on Facebook. With on-demand streaming for two weeks after air date at"