I recommend any landscaping, building and tree contractors that does work on shoreland property, as well as lake shore property owners, consider attending Natural Shorelands Erosion Control Certification Training this November 4th. The training is free and will be held in a virtual format on Friday November 4th from 8:00 - 3:30, covering topics related to shoreland development and lake water quality. You can register here: https://anronline.vermont.gov/app/?allowAnonymous=true#/formversion/d7ee921d-a579-4786-8f02-[...]ion
While Vermont is considers is an environmentally conscious state , recent Vermont lake science from the National Lake Assessment study shows that Vermont ranked lowest in the north east ecoregion and in the nation for degraded shallow water habitat. Vermont's degraded conditions for aquatic habitat is directly related to harmful impacts from lakeshore development.
I know one contractor who did work this year on Peacham Pond violated the Vermont Shoreland Protection regulations. They were asked if there were aware of the regulations and they said no. Our lakes and ponds are special. Please protect them for future generations.